After spending my summer traveling I noticed no matter where I was in the world there was always a strong graffiti culture. I have seen it in the streets of Melbourne Australia, Shanghai China, in underpasses on the highway in Montreal Canada, even on public sculptures in Athens Greece. Everywhere I turn my head someone has left their mark to show the rest of graffiti society that they are there and exist. Some graffiti artists leave behind large murals and some just leave their mark with a tag (graffiti styled signature).
Every time I leave my house I find myself being more and more immersed into this culture of mark making. Some take graffiti more serious than others, for gangs or competitive artists it is marking territory. For others it is merely showing the rest of the world what they have to offer, some choose to express their opinions on what they feel is politically and socially wrong with todays society.
I would like to be one of those people who leave their mark for the rest of the world to see, I hope that this project will help me put my self on the map.
Graffiti sure sounds like a wonderful and very interesting idea! I remember first moving to Vancouver and being amazed about all the different places where graffiti is located! I always wondered how they manage to get it in these impossible places like in the under a high bridge. It was really neat when I first started noticing particular signatures being repeated through out the city and after that I started more effort in my searchings. I am looking forward to how your experience goes ☺